Time for children

If you prefer to spend all your spare time growing roses or playing with your children, I like you better, but do not complain that you are not being promoted fast enough. Managers promote the men who produce the most.

– David Ogilvy Confessions of an Advertising Man

The rule is they have to read more than they play video games. They also can’t play completely stupid video games. … I made them delete the cookie game. They had to play Flappy Golf instead, which is like Flappy Bird, but at least there is some physics involved.

-Elon Musk in Ashlee Vance’s Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future



This week’s yuan devaluation was big news, but it’s really part of a much bigger saga. Events around the globe are combining to create huge economic change over the next few years. We are watching giant, multidimensional chess games played by some master players.

Energy is the chessboard that connects all the players. What happens when the board changes shape in the middle of the game? If you don’t know the new energy landscape, you’ll have a hard time playing to a draw, much less winning.

– John Mauldin